What to say when speaking on money

Of all the topics that a pastor can choose to speak on, money is one of the least preferred. I get it! It's an intimidating thing to talk about. Most pastors feel ill-equipped to speak on it because they don't feel they know enough about it. Many fear saying the wrong thing or being seen as having the wrong motivation for talking about it. I understand the hesitation to speak on this, but it's the wrong choice because not speaking on it is more damaging to your people than you realize.

Money is a major driving force in our culture. A significant part of our lives is spent on acquiring the education or the skills necessary to do our work to earn an income that will provide for the kind of life that we want. At least one-third of our life is spent working, and right or wrong, money is a significant motivator for what we do every day.

Jesus understood the tension money and possession would bring into our lives. He often spoke about the danger of wealth to deceive and was clear that one cannot serve God and money. Much of his teaching on money and wealth was stated as warnings.

When you understand God's perspective on money and wealth, it's easy to see that it's in contrast to the world's ways of handling money. God's word says we should work diligently and honestly, give generously, spend wisely and frugally, and save and invest with eternity in mind. On the other hand, the world says, get as much as you can no matter what it takes, spend and consume as much as your heart desires, save and invest because greater wealth will provide you greater security.

The most important thing Jesus communicated about money and wealth is that having the wrong view on it will harm us spiritually. Church leaders must speak on this topic because the spiritual well-being of God's people is at stake.

What to communicate about money

No one wants to speak about something they don't fully understand. What if someone has a question we can't answer, or worse, calls us out on something we've said? The lack of expertise in finances makes most pastors reluctant to talk about it. What if I told you that you already have all the information you need to speak like an expert on the topic? Well, you do!

God's word is the only source you need to speak on money effectively. Here's the truth, people don't expect pastors to be financial experts. What they do hope is that you'll help them understand how money impacts their spiritual lives. People don't lack information about finances, they lack the ability to apply that information correctly, and this is where God's word can come in to provide the right answers.

When it comes to finances, the motivation behind our actions always leads to our results. It's entirely predictable. For example: if a person has a get rich quick attitude, he will act in haste and out of the fear of missing out on a big payday. This will cause him not to consider all the investment information and only focus on the upside, which will likely lead him to lose his investment. His motivation to gain wealth quickly blinds him to the risk, which will lead to his downfall. 

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God's word says, "Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it" (Proverbs 13:11), and "A faithful man will abound with blessings, but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished." (Proverbs 28:20). Understanding these principles would benefit this person more than any specific investment advice he could receive. God's financial principles are like the guardrails on a mountaintop road; they're there to keeps us safe, yet most pastors never talk about them. 

By understanding and teaching God's financial principles, a pastor will help his people gain a strong foundation in managing money wisely. The Bible offers all the principles related to the successful management of wealth. More importantly, it provides insight into the attitudes and feelings surrounding money and wealth. When God's people understand and apply these principles, they will experience financial health, contentment, prosperity, and begin living more purpose-filled lives.

Pastors have the incredible opportunity to share God's truth, the financial principle found in God's word. These principles are often omitted in financial education, yet financial wisdom and true financial freedom can’t be obtained without knowing and living by them.

Do you want to speak on money and wealth with integrity, authority, and confidence? We can help! Please take one of our training courses, join us for one of our events, or contact us to learn more.

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