Posts tagged Generosity
7 Ways Churches Can Prepare Financially for Rough Waters

We live in a fast-changing world. Those changes also impact churches. For instance, we have levels of inflation not seen in the last 40 years. Things ebb and flow, and what’s different today is unpredictability. It comes from rapid cultural change, shifting demographics, rapidly evolving technology, and an interdependent global economic climate.

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Managing Wealth - An Issue of the Heart

In Matthew 6:19-24, Jesus begins by talking about wealth and where we should and should not store it. He then says something strange about the eye being the lamp of the body and its connection to light and darkness, which seems to be a shift away from the original topic of wealth. He then returns to the subject and says that you cannot serve God and mammon. Did Jesus veer off-topic, or is there an important connection we need to understand in this text?

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The Benefits of Generosity

Are people predisposed to being selfish and self-serving? We humans seem to come out of the womb wanting. If you've had to care for a newborn, you understand what I'm talking about. But is that our design, or is there more that explains our selfishness?

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