Posts in Giving
The Wisdom of Principles: 12 Financial Principles of Stewardship

Just because something is popular or admired doesn't make it good or right. One of the most famous tourist attractions in the world is the Leaning Tower of Pisa. What makes it an interesting attraction is that it was built on a poor foundation, which is causing it to lean to this day. Although it's become famous for tourists, it doesn't change the truth that this is a clear example of failure, what happens when an improper foundation is laid.

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Two Reasons Why People Don't Give to the Church

There's a huge disconnect between what Christians are instructed to do and what they actually do when it comes to giving. Why is that? Most Christians know the Bible encourages them to be generous, yet a large majority of them give little or nothing at all. Is this open rebellion or something entirely different?

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The Benefits of Generosity

Are people predisposed to being selfish and self-serving? We humans seem to come out of the womb wanting. If you've had to care for a newborn, you understand what I'm talking about. But is that our design, or is there more that explains our selfishness?

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