Do Not Fear!

Like most of you, I've been exposed to a steady stream of news concerning the Coronavirus for weeks. I really can't escape it. It's in every stream of media; TV, social media, and every web browser's home page. And, if I’m honest, it's having an impact on me.


Leaving aside the argument that the news we get today is not really news, I'd like to focus on what we can control, that is, what we do, our reaction to the information we receive.


In John 14:27, Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."


How is Jesus' peace different than what the world gives?


Let me remind us that this world is fallen and full of sin and brokenness. It cannot provide us with anything that results in our ultimate physical and spiritual well being. God is the source of life. Even what good we experience in life is a direct result of God's power and grace, not the world’s.


Therefore, the world is unable to provide us with the kind of peace Jesus gives. Jesus ultimately gave us "peace with God," which means our sins are forgiven, and our future is secure. Don't miss the power of that statement! There's nothing to fear, nothing to worry or be troubled about. Regardless of the circumstances you face, God is always in control, and your faith in him should trump any fear or anxiety you face in this world.


Those who are focused on the world rather than God speak from their limited context. They see a virus, the failing economy, and everything else through their limited view. Because they believe they must have control of their lives, when that control is threatened, they will attempt to do whatever they can to regain control. It's like the hamster on the hamster wheel, running faster and faster yet getting nowhere. You will never find your peace and fulfillment in the world; you can only find it in Christ.


This is a Spiritual Battle


Make no mistake, though the world may arguably be going through a physical battle with the Coronavirus and its effects, the real battle is spiritual. How do I know this? Because of the overwhelming fear that has gripped and is controlling our world.


It's not fear; it's a spirit of fear.


The problem with fear is its source. Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind." There's a spirit whose primary purpose is to spread and promote fear. It wants us not to trust God. When you and I give in to fear, we are believing a lying and deceptive spirit. We deny God and his power and embrace an evil spirit.


If you are a follower of Christ and have committed your life to Him, then fear should not be part of your life. Now, you will no doubt face many reasons to fear, but your response should never be to give in to it.


How to respond to a spirit of fear


1. Recognize the source of fear


Every demonic spirit is deceitful and deceptive. A spirit of fear will not walk up to you and tell you to be afraid. It will, however, speak to you through different ways to get you to take your eyes off of God and put them on yourself or your circumstances. Remember, its goal is to make you not trust God. You must recognize fear for what it is, a work of the enemy.


2. Remove fears' power


Often, the reason fear is so debilitating is that we don't really process through it properly. We fail to recognize the source of our anxiety and refuse to reason it out or talk it through with someone. Instead, we keep focusing on the "what if's" and spiral down into a deeper state of fear.


The way we remove the power of fear is through increased faith. Fear and faith cannot co-exist. Either you will have faith that God can see you through, or you will give in to fear and believe that God is unable or unwilling to care for you. 


When fear tries to grip us, we must initiate our faith and allow God's transforming work through the productive power of His Spirit to take place in us, renewing our minds (Romans 12:2), exposing the lies of the enemy, and helping us overcome all fear.


3. Remember God's faithfulness


Fear argues against God's faithfulness. It will always put in doubt God's ability or willingness to provide for you. That's why it's so vital that we recall God's faithfulness in our past. I'm literally talking about counting your blessings.


God is good, and he is faithful. Overcome the spirit of fear and the lie that God doesn't care or cannot be trusted by remembering his good deeds towards you and your family. Recall and count the many times he saved you from harm and trouble, how he's been faithful to you throughout your life, and fear won't stand a chance of getting a hold of you.

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